Web Development

Responsive Web Development

Web Development

Responsive Website Development - While web design is important to make your website more attractive, it will help to attract more consumers. But once you have come up with a unique design and have finalized the textures and graphics to be added, the next step is to make it all come together. While a good design can impress the users, it is the codes and development process that ensures that your target users will find the browsing experience equally amazing as your design.

CMS (Content Management System)

A content management system (CMS) is a computer application that designed to support the management of the content of Web pages. Web content includes text and embedded graphics, photos, video, audio, maps, and code etc. that displays content or interacts with the user. CMS allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages to add, modify and remove content from a Web site without the help of a webmaster.


  • Acquire/Analyze Requirements.
  • Get Approval from Clients.
  • Freeze Req. /Maintain task sheet.
  • Project plan/ Documentation.
  • Verification/Validation Design.
  • Test Plan/Test Case Design.


  • Provide User friendly UI.
  • Access control & Permission.
  • Security and Confidentiality of Data.
  • Customer Feedback Oriented Mechanism.
  • Continuous Improvement in Services.
  • Direct Customer Chat facility

Technology Highlights

  • Web-based server side technologies - Asp.net
  • OS/Hardware Platform Independent –Windows
  • Database independent – SQL Server 2008 & 2012
  • Secure communication protocol - SSL/HTTPS
  • Role-based access control for enhanced security
  • Flexible & Customizable design